
Sean Chin


Thirty Years of Mac

While, I’ve used Macintosh computers by Apple at various points throughout elementary school, I actually purchased my very own Mac in 2010. It is the same baseline 15″ Macbook Pro that I’m typing on as you read this.

It may be a tad slow when crunching out hundreds of RAW image files or exporting high quality audio files for the podcast, but it is still kicking. I love it.

Right now, I have a lack of blog posts coming out because I’m experimenting with my new podcast Capsule. We’ve done a few interviews with some really cool musicians already and have many more coming up. So far, I’ve been reading Marco Arment’s old tips on podcasting.

The advise I am really trying to follow is focusing on content:

Don’t commit to a duration

Your podcast doesn’t have to be timed in 30-minute intervals. Nobody cares if your show was 17 minutes two weeks ago and 83 minutes last week. If you try to reach the same duration for every show, you’ll end up cutting good content or stretching the show with worthless padding (such as bumpers and introductions).

Focus on content, and end the show when you run out.

Some of our episodes are 24 mins up to 1 hour and 13 minutes! And the feedback has been better than I expected so far.


Your Verse

This new iPad Air ad is incredibly powerful and does to the iPad line up what they did with the iPhone late last year. Rather than focus on specs and technical crap, they showed what makes their product enhance your life.

“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion.” The TV spot quotes Robin Williams in the film Dead Poets Society.

I’m also proud to share that Live in Limbo’s just published it’s third podcast featuring local band The Box Tiger. I promise many more special guests in the near future.


Hello 2014

“Today, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” ? Brad Paisley

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

This year I have two main goals:

1) Become a better writer. I will continue to improve on this at Live in Limbo.

2) Do a lot more talking. I will accomplish this on a new podcast called Capsule. Check it out.

3) Photograph more. I silently migrated my entire portfolio over to a Smugmug Pro account.

I hope you all choose a few things that you want to improve upon for the new year. All the best.
