CrossFit Open: 18.2 and 18.2A
Mixed emotions. I’m not going to hide this. But I had a taste of defeat this evening for 18.2 & 18.2A of the CrossFit Open. I was unable to make it to 18.2 A. I eagerly watched the unveiling of the workout Thursday night. And wrote down my plan and watched tips and advice on YouTube. But I severely underestimated this one. we had to do 10 rounds of an ascending ladder. Essentia
lly, we needed to complete 110 reps of dumbbell squats and front-facing burpees together and once done, do a power clean. All within 12 minutes. I “no repped” at least 10 of the squats and in the end only completed 108 of 18.2. And did not get to do 18.2 A’s clean. I got disoriented from all the burpees, my leg are on fire, and I can barely walk… On one hand I am disappointed that I couldn’t fully do this workout. But on the other hand I got to experience Friday Night Lights for the first time. I got to witness our elite athletes like @ernestospagnuoloabsolutely crush it. He did the 18.2 in under 5 freaking minutes ?CrossFit in general and then competing in front of so many CFNAC family members rooting and cheering is something I’ll never forget. I’ll learn from and cherish this moment forever. #crossfit #intheopen#crossfittraining #crossfitweightlifting@crossfitauroracentral / @crossfitnewmarketcentral