My first 100-Miler
What a glorious Sunday. Today I completed my first ever 100 mile (161km) century ride And boy am I feeling it! It wasn’t a pretty ride, had quite a few stops for breaks, but kept to my goals of keeping cadence at 85rpm, power in Z2, and HR in Zone 1& 2. It’s been a crazy 2020 for everyone, especially me…but long story short, yesterday I was supposed to do IRONMAN Florida. It happened. It was the only full distance IM race in North America for 2020. My years goal was derailed in many ways. The crossing boarder, quarantine & no swim training. And of course, I broke my collar bone & had surgery. The universe was loud and clear. So I’m grateful to have this extra year to prepare. And hopefully I will become an IRONMAN in 2021. Anyways, I’ve been working on my outdoor cycling bike handling skills and building up my aerobic fitness for super long distances. A few weeks ago I did 103km and this morning I was aiming for 120km. Well that type-A personality issue I have really came out today, and went for an imperial 100 mile century. Just 20km off for the @ironmantri bike distance of 180km. I have no doubt I can reach that with proper progressive training! Time to rest up and let my body absorb today’s load. I really want to brush my teeth, shower, and am craving a salad. Thank you!