Monthly Archives

January 2018


Workin’, Liftin’, Pullin’, & Climbin’

A little collection of clips of what I’ve been up to lately in the box.

I can finally do two straight pull-ups

Backsquat PR at 150 lbs.

I can climb like a monkey (kinda)

I joined the “200 Club” recently in Deadlifts

Bench presses still freak me out the most. Working on it!

Still feeling drained and sore from Fridays #WOD, which involved #BenchPress strength work, #dumbbellpress, and #AirAssault Bike #metcon. Upper body and gluts are BURNT. All in a good days work at @crossfitauroracentral / @crossfitnewmarketcentral ?? But learning about the importance of #REST & #RECOVERY is very eye-opening. Gaining strength and lean muscle REQUIRES these two key elements. In 2018, I’ve implemented more of these into my training schedule. I’m striving to get at least *8-HOURS* of solid quality SLEEP EVERYNIGHT. And on weekends, it doesn’t mean I’m being a total couch potato!! Instead of running and high-intensity interval training, I’m doing a very light (~115bpm) Elliptical movement for 30 minutes, and finally doing #YOGA! It’s actually NOT as “easy” as I thought it was. Definitely works on balance and breathing technique ?? So far I’m embracing and loving it. #cfnac

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Overhead stuff still needs better form. Get those elbows parallel!


28 Day Nutritional Challenge at CFNAC

Today is day 1 of the #28DayNutritionalChallenge at my box @crossfitnewmarketcentral / @crossfitauroracentral! We had a fantastic turn out of 96 participants! Everyone got a delicious athlete dietician approved 4 week food prep schedule and recipes. It is really neat as we are going a Before and after #InBody Measurement and photos. From this I get to see my body composition and NOT just BMI. Initially, It shows what I already figured out in that my upper body / arms really suck strength wise. I was confused and anxious from my results as it shows that I actually need to GAIN weight now in order to build muscle. I guess I did an extremely good job last year at burning it all off eh? Anyways I’m considered a “clean slate” now I guess. After some reflection this totally makes sense. I need calories to build muscle, and once I’ve gained what I want, then I can cut the fat later. I know how. And I’m doing to be having a one-on-one session with @ryanabushcf about my goals.


1 – Gain 4 lbs of lean muscle mass (1 lb per week)?
2- Do more Weight lifting and Squats

3-Feel okay with putting back on some weight even though that means some fat too

4-Take Protein Recovery Shakes after workouts

5-Take DHA/EPA + Mag/Cal for all 28 days

6- Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night

*GOALS in 3-6 MONTHS:*

1- Have defined Abs?

2- Be able to do 10 Pull-Ups unbroken

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Happy New Year, Wishing you the best 2018

Happy New Year family and friends!

2017 turned out to the be the best year of my life so far. There were ups and downs, but overall, significantly more highs. I had 3 main goals: Home Ownership, Get into a Healthy Lifestyle, get into a meaningful Relationship, and a handful of sub-goals. I accomplished 2/3 of the main goals. Early into the year, I crossed off the first main task and became a Home Owner for the very first time. This was a truly eye-opening experience. I love my house. The second goal was a big battle, but I knocked it out of the park and over exceeded anything I ever imagined. I went from being overweight and weak at 185 lbs to 130lbs in 6 months. I went from not being able to run at all and ran a Half-Marathon in under 2-hours. Nutrition was 85% of the battle, and “discipline equals freedom”. Embracing a Whole Food Plant-based lifestyle is game changing. My third goal definitely fell short. I haven’t had any kind of long-term meaningful relationship in my life thus far, and determined it was time. I signed up for a couple of online dating apps, went on a few blind-dates, and mixers, but all came up empty handed. Quite possibly, I was too occupied with the stresses up moving into my new home, getting settled and focusing on my personal health.

For 2018, instead of having 3 goals, I made it more streamlined to only 2. First, I want to continue on my health and wellbeing success and become an “elite version” of myself. I’d like to remain around 130lbs but lose 5% body fat and replace it with lean muscle. Also, I want to increase my upper body and core strength. To do this, I joined CrossFit. I have also signed up for a Full-Marathon and Spartan obstacle races. Second, now that I’ve settled in my home habits, and hit my general health goals in a sustainable manner, I can now put higher quality effort into nurturing a loving relationship. After some advice, I hand-wrote a very detailed sketch of what my ideal soulmate is.

Whether you had an awesome or terrible 2017, I would like to personally wish you all the best in the New Year!
