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February 2018


CrossFit Open: 18.1

WOW. I had absolutely phenomenal time getting back to routine post-PRK Laser eye surgery. Mainly because I got to compete with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world in my first ever CrossFit Open workout! On top of the 5km run and regular WOD this morning, I got to do the Open 18.1. This was as many scaled repetitions as possible within 20 MINUTES of 8 knee-ups, 10 dumbbell cleans of 35 lb dumbbells and 14 cal Rows. Thanks to my judge Trudy and motivational coach Elaine of Team Hundy P (team Red) and @nikkimatarazzo for 18.1 tips and for making me go all out. Having people root me on was a first! In the end I got a total of 269 reps!! Despite still having hazy vision, I surprised myself and most importantly had a ton of fun! #INTHEOPEN #BEASTMODE #THISIS30@crossfitgames @crossfitauroracentral

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Processed with VSCO with a5 preset


Quinoa & Fruits for Breakfast

Cue the music. Before everyone is up, I pull out a nice giant bowl. I scoop in 1 cup of cooked quinoa. I’m gonna toss in 1 tablespoon each of hemp seeds, chia seeds, and ground flaxseeds. Then I hit the microwave with water for 5 minutes. After that, I’ll throw in a cup of blueberries, 6 strawberries, and slice up a whole beautiful banana. The finishing touch is 2 tablespoons of cinnamon. And of course the best part. I’m gonna shovel this nutrient-dense mofo down. All this will be devoured as fuel for this 18.1 beast of an endurance workout that’s gonna kick ass my ass in a few #INTHEOPEN#CrossFitOpen


Listenings to Audiobooks and Podcasts during Eye surgery recovery

During my recovery, I used my time to fill myself with knowledge that matters the most to me. Normally, I’m a fan of reading physical paperbacks, but with my recent PRK laser eye surgery, I wanted to avoid straining. Fortunately audiobooks are a thing. I listened to 5 inspiring books on Audible. Additionally, I caught up on 20 podcast episodes on a wide range of topics from health, fitness, nutrition, and even paranormal mysteries. I strongly recommend you check out these books: “Chasing Excellence” by @benbergeron, “Finding Ultra” by @richroll, “The Obstacle is the Way” by @ryanholiday, “Free Will” by @samharris, and “Sleep Smarter” by @shawnstevenson. Even in what seems like downtime, make the most of it. Use it as an opportunity to grow. “Never whine, Never complain, Never make excuses.” – Ben Bergeron #THISIS30


Post-PRK Laser Eye Surgery

I CAN SEE! Though still kind of hazy and out of focus here and there. But I had a pretty good PRK Laser Eye Surgery experience at #Bochner Eye Institute. A BIG thank you to Dr. Raymond Stein and his staff for their wealth of knowledge, care, and expertise. They freed me from 15+ years of terrible vision. My prescription was around -8.5 in both eyes. My entire world was literally seeing the bokeh of a f1.8 prime lens. It’s been a week since the procedure and have had minimal discomfort and side effects thus far. The one funny frustrating thing was that I was absolutely dying to get back in the gym or run out side. Even though I was “off sick” due to the fact that I couldn’t clearly see to drive to work or see fine details, my whole body and limbs was perfectly fine. To counter this, I annoyed the crap out of my mom by walking around the house hundreds of times to keep my step count over 10,000 and did light tabata movements to keep the blood flowing. I can’t wait to get my hands on a barbell. Overall, this was definitely a positive milestone moment in my life where I got time to recover and reflect on the important things I value. Plus, I get to wear these nifty “solar shades” for a few weeks. Doctors orders! My vision only continues to improve from here. I’m absolutely looking forward to doing more fun activities this summer and taking my life to the next level #THISIS30
