The contextual awakening: How sensors are making mobile truly brilliant
Right now our phones, tablets, and other mobile devices are still struggling as they awaken and drag themselves towards awareness. It’s a slow process, partially because we’re pushing the limits of technology, but also because we’re pushing the limits of comfort as well. Security will be important, privacy will be important, humanity will be important. If Apple has had one single, relentless purpose over the years, however, it’s been to make technology ever more personal, ever more accessible, and so very much more human.
It’s well documented that pretty much nothing gets leaked from Apple Inc. They love the element of surprise. And it pays off. However, this doesn’t mean they have their heads in the sand. Google for example are slowly showing us what they want to create in the future with Google Glass, blimps with wifi and affordable gigabit internet connections.
This article by Rene Ritchie is fantastic. We know that the folk at Apple do indeed have a grand vision of the future. And Rene tries his very best using the information and trends we have in the past and now to foresee what they have in store. It’s a beautiful world. It’s not of android like robots, but the marriage of us, humans with devices and services that are a part of us. The human element is never tripped away but only enhanced.
Security and privacy have always been critical points for Apple and they nail it all the time. Software such as OSX, iOS, iCloud Keychain, FaceTime and iMessage are notorious for not getting viruses and highly secure with constant updates. Safe hardware features such as Touch ID along with 64-bit processors keep our unique finger print data locked to the A7 chip enclave it self.
Any company can throw all the sensors they want into their next device, but if its not secure, well-designed, seamless and user-friendly, its not worth anything.
And this is where Apple succeeds.