Today I officially became a Spartan! After a year of running and 6-months of #CrossFit training, the two went hand in hand for this obstacle course race. I finished my first ever @Spartan “SPRINT” in 1:21:24. 140/2445 overall, 121/1358 Male, 15/201 age group. This was about 7.7KM where we had to tackle 20-ish obstacles. From climbing walls, running through trails, carrying sandbags, many steep hills, crawling through mud, and jumping through fire…I never thought I’d ever take part in one of these. But I did it! And am totally proud. Now with the SPRINT in the books…tomorrow I get to do it all over again in the “SUPER” at @SpartanRaceCanada, which is twice the distance and twice the fun. Yay me #AROO (the only part that sucked literally was when my shoe got stuck in the mud, cost me 2 mins lmao) #StrongerAsOne #HardWorkPaysOff#SpartanToronto #SpartanRaceToronto#SpartanRaceOntario #SpartanRace #OCR#OCRathlete #THISIS30