
Spartan Race

Race Reports, Spartan Race

Race Report: Spartan Beast, Nordic Highlands

“Let’s see if the mind is telling the truth, or if the body has more….” – Officially SLAYED the #SpartanBeast ??. Had a beautiful #SpartanRace today in #Duntroon. Despite my left ankle and right calf not being 100%, I really enjoyed the spirit and vibe of all the racers. My finish time is 3:01:30. The ankle thing really slowed down my pace from what I would have liked. From these OCRs, I’ve really learned that I enjoy trail racers and running through the trees, shrubs, and dirt grounds. I believe I got my race nutrition plan down, however, I feel like I need to increase my sodium intake to retain water. Will research and work on that. Also got to catch up with awesome people like @free_athlete_iryna, @skyllerdanis, and @tonyfyogafitness! I am GRATEFUL to all the volunteers, the engineers of @spartanbuildcanada, and organizers at @spartanracecanada who devote their time and effort into making all of these amazing experiences happen #SpartanOntario#TrifectaTribe #NoLimits #HardWorkPaysOff#THISIS30


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Happy #MedalMonday! This past weekend I did something I never thought I would have ever done. I finished the Spartan Beast and completed the Spartan Trifecta medal! Even just a year ago, nothing like an obstacle course race remotely appealed to me. I was never an active kid growing up, I’m a germaphobe, and I like this tidy. So I really had to dig super deep, push away my insecurities, move forward, and express my grit. I’ve met so many inspiring like-minded people along this journey, learned so much about myself as a human, and every moment of the experience is absolutely worth it. Now I am proud to be a member of the #TrifectaTribe. AROO!!#SpartanOntario #SpartanRace #NoLimits #HardWorkPaysOff #THISIS30

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Race Reports, Spartan Race

Race Report: Spartan SUPER, Ski Brimacombe 2018

Pouring rain during a Spartan Race? Sure why not? Bring it! If you want to fast track to hypothermia, climb steep ski mountains and crawl through mud in the rain ?….but honestly today was pretty awesome. Finished the @Spartan Canada SUPER event. It’s twice as long as yesterdays SPRINT. So we had around 14KM, and I completed it in 2:30:15. 54/1017 Overall, 52/673 Male, TOP 10/111 Age category! I’m pretty happy with my result despite still recovering and being pretty darn sore from yesterday. These are definitely the first attempts at trail running in my life as well. I absolutely loved running through the forest and bushes. Such a sense of freedom and beauty! I’ve never done back-to-back races in any capacity, so I really went out of my comfort zone this weekend. Thank you to all the volunteers and organizers at @SpartanRaceCanada & @spartanbuildcanada for making this magical weekend happen! (I’m gonna be hurting the next few days ?) Now to rest properly…and I have my eyes set on completing my #SpartanTrifecta when I slay the #SpartanBeast in September at Highlands Nordic, Duntroon, ON!???????#AROO #SpartanToronto #HWPO#HardWorkPaysOff #SpartanRaceToronto#SpartanRace #OCR #OCRathlete #JustDoIt#TimeToPlay #THISIS30


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#tbt #transformationtuesday “You are the average of the five people you most associate with.” – Jim Rohn. One couldn’t say it any better. Tim Ferris also emphasizes this concept and it makes total sense. This is the effect of the “tribe” one decides to be a part of. For me, it’s my family first, then my running, and CrossFit communities. I had the utmost privilege of spending the past weekend doing a mix and blend of the two physical activities I love at Spartan Race Canada, with badass awesome members from the @crossfitnewmarketcentral box. AROO from our start corral to Dean, Ryan “The Viking”, Skyller, Cross, Sean, Cindy, and Iryna (not in pic)!! #AROO #SpartanToronto #SpartanRace #OCR #OCRathlete

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Race Reports, Spartan Race

Race Report: Spartan Sprint, Ski Brimacombe 2018

Today I officially became a Spartan! After a year of running and 6-months of #CrossFit training, the two went hand in hand for this obstacle course race. I finished my first ever @Spartan “SPRINT” in 1:21:24. 140/2445 overall, 121/1358 Male, 15/201 age group. This was about 7.7KM where we had to tackle 20-ish obstacles. From climbing walls, running through trails, carrying sandbags, many steep hills, crawling through mud, and jumping through fire…I never thought I’d ever take part in one of these. But I did it! And am totally proud. Now with the SPRINT in the books…tomorrow I get to do it all over again in the “SUPER” at @SpartanRaceCanada, which is twice the distance and twice the fun. Yay me #AROO (the only part that sucked literally was when my shoe got stuck in the mud, cost me 2 mins lmao) #StrongerAsOne #HardWorkPaysOff#SpartanToronto #SpartanRaceToronto#SpartanRaceOntario #SpartanRace #OCR#OCRathlete #THISIS30
