Race Report: Spartan Beast, Nordic Highlands
“Let’s see if the mind is telling the truth, or if the body has more….” – Officially SLAYED the #SpartanBeast ??. Had a beautiful #SpartanRace today in #Duntroon. Despite my left ankle and right calf not being 100%, I really enjoyed the spirit and vibe of all the racers. My finish time is 3:01:30. The ankle thing really slowed down my pace from what I would have liked. From these OCRs, I’ve really learned that I enjoy trail racers and running through the trees, shrubs, and dirt grounds. I believe I got my race nutrition plan down, however, I feel like I need to increase my sodium intake to retain water. Will research and work on that. Also got to catch up with awesome people like @free_athlete_iryna, @skyllerdanis, and @tonyfyogafitness! I am GRATEFUL to all the volunteers, the engineers of @spartanbuildcanada, and organizers at @spartanracecanada who devote their time and effort into making all of these amazing experiences happen #SpartanOntario#TrifectaTribe #NoLimits #HardWorkPaysOff#THISIS30