WOW. I had absolutely phenomenal time getting back to routine post-PRK Laser eye surgery. Mainly because I got to compete with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world in my first ever CrossFit Open workout! On top of the 5km run and regular WOD this morning, I got to do the Open 18.1. This was as many scaled repetitions as possible within 20 MINUTES of 8 knee-ups, 10 dumbbell cleans of 35 lb dumbbells and 14 cal Rows. Thanks to my judge Trudy and motivational coach Elaine of Team Hundy P (team Red) and @nikkimatarazzo for 18.1 tips and for making me go all out. Having people root me on was a first! In the end I got a total of 269 reps!! Despite still having hazy vision, I surprised myself and most importantly had a ton of fun! #INTHEOPEN #BEASTMODE #THISIS30@crossfitgames @crossfitauroracentral

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