


On Creativity

Creativity is rejected

Even people who say they are looking for creativity react negatively to creative ideas, as demonstrated in a 2011 study from the University of Pennsylvania. Uncertainty is an inherent part of new ideas, and it’s also something that most people would do almost anything to avoid. People’s partiality toward certainty biases them against creative ideas and can interfere with their ability to even recognize creative ideas.

This article hits home. I see this everyday. So many hypocrites out there. We need to all learn to embrace good changes. But not for the sake of change it self.

Very much like “Intention” by Apple, there are a thousand no’s for every yes. Yet the outcome is something truly creative and beautiful.

And this topic can be followed up by one of todays design greats, John Maeda:


The Night of The Doctor

Oh, where do I begin? Steven Moffat is brilliant!

I knew that this 7 minute prequel to the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary on November 23, 2013 was coming. But I had no idea the Eighth Doctor would be the star. I think that Paul McGann looked absolutely amazing. And I believe that he would have done a spot on job in his own series or two. We will probably never seen the stories in between the Doctor Who “TV movie” to this mini-episode. But I am truly grateful to see that his incarnation of the heroic Time Lord actually go somewhere. His transformation is huge going from Victorian era clothing to this rather bad ass in the middle of a war look.

But there are so many more questions now. Did the elixir from the Sisterhood of Karn give the Doctor infinite regenerations? Is “War Doctor” John Hurt actually the Ninth Doctor? If so, David Tennant and Matt Smith are all bumped up as well.

I reeked out so much after seeing this.



Argument: When Losing is Winning

Cohen says, “If we want to think of new kinds of arguments we need to think of new kinds of arguers. Think of all the roles that people play in arguments: there’s the proponent and the opponent in an adversarial, dialectical argument; there’s the audience in rhetorical arguments; there’s the reasoner in arguments as proofs. Now, can you imagine an argument in which you are the arguer but you’re also in the audience watching yourself argue? Can you imagine yourself watching yourself argue, losing the argument, and yet still, at the end of the argument saying, ‘Wow, that was a good argument.’ He continues, “I think, if you can imagine that kind of argument where the loser and the audience and the jury says to the winner, ‘Yeah, that was a good argument’ then you have imagined a good argument. And more than that, I think you’ve imagined a good arguer, an arguer that’s worthy of the kind of arguer you should try to be.”

This is also a fantastic way to look at the human ego. If one always has to and does win battles or arguments, that person will never actually learn anything new. Additionally, it will just blind the arguer to new perspectives and in the long run will eventually lose out.


October 19, 2013

The meaning behind iOS 7’s kaleidoscope of colors

A few of the color world’s most influential experts like the choices because they fit current design trends towards lightness and harmony.

A color trend is the end result of a long process. It usually starts with designers analyzing the emotional outlook of the culture, which includes political and economic movements. When U.S. mood was uneasy leading up to Y2K, colors reflected that. Today, at the tail end of a long war and recession, many of us want to feel happy and secure. That’s why we’ve gravitated towards colors that bring about those emotions, like the purples and orange-tinged reds in iOS 7.

I found this to be a very in-depth analysis about the color pallet used in iOS 7. There are a handful of people that don’t like the new look, but for the most part, all of my friends including myself really love it.

The top 3 supplements for surviving the singularity

1) Coenzyme Q10 is very important, particularly at my age, as an antioxidant.

2) Phosphatidylcholine addresses all by itself a major aging process because that substance depletes from your cell membrane and that’s why the skin in an elderly person loses suppleness and your organs don’t work very well.

3) I’d throw in Vitamin D. It’s very important—maybe the most important vitamin to take. There’s tremendous amount of research and a consensus that that really does help prevent cancer and other diseases.

Personally, I take 3000 IU of Vitamin D every day. I used to take a little map every afternoon, but I take 3 tablets of Vitamin D after lunch and I’m good to go until bedtime. I plan to add cucurmin/tumeric to my regimen tomorrow.

Banksy paid $50,000 on security for his latest art piece

“Are you the sort of person who enjoys going to art galleries, but wished they had more gravel in them? Then this temporary exhibition space is for you,” says Banksy.

This is probably due to the fact that people are vandalizing his vandalism art work.
