V-fest 08…
Hey all,
As you know, I am a huge Virgin festival fan, and I had the privilege of getting a photo pass last year, and got to see the likes of Bjork, Interpol, The Killers and Smashing Pumpkins and many many more.
This year is quite the show as well featuring the Foo Fighters, Bloc Party, Moby and Oasis. This year they also have some great upcoming bands like MGMT, the Pigeon Detectives and Silversun Pickups.
However, I don’t think vfest 08 can compare with vfest 07…..07 was just outstanding. There is STILL PLENTY time though! I think if a Virgin can add a few more “key” bands, 08 will be solid….I have some recommendations 😛
1) I know it’s a long shot (cause they are already playing 2 dates @ the ACC), but if they had Coldplay or The Verve open for Oasis, that would be the BOMB.
2) Regina Spektor would be a fantastic artist to open for Bloc Party
3) Tegan and Sara would be a great mid-carder like how Tokyo Police Club and Stars played before Metric and The Killers in 07
4) And, two words: Katy Perry
Anyways…enough with my ideas, I’m looking forward to see MGMT, Bloc Party, Foo Fighters and Oasis…but surprisingly, I’m really pumped to see Deadmau5 and Moby (DJ set) bring down the house on the Bacardi B-Live stage.
More updates to come!