
Taking GMOs to a New Level of Yuck

While I can understand why some people in the world think this is a good idea. Such as reducing the amount of methane produced by cows. Which destroys our ozone. And it also can meet the rapidly growing demand for beef. I just don’t think it would be a good idea to mass produce it just yet. Regular genetically modified organisms (GMO) already have a load of negative factors against them. This new process just kicks things up a notch. Who knows if this lab-made protein source causes cancer or allergic reactions to the human body? More trials and clinical tests must be performed for many years before it is given to the public for consumption.


A Need to Upgrade Education

This is  “Rock star” South Korean teacher, Kim Ki-hoon. He is The $4 Million Teacher.

“The harder I work, the more I make,” he says matter of factly. “I like that.”

Kim actually only spends around 3-hours a week recording lectures. The rest of his 60-hour work week is spent responding and following up with his students over the internet. He charges $4 an hour.

The bulk of Mr. Kim’s earnings come from the 150,000 kids who watch his lectures online each year.

Personally, I think that the future of education is online. There are a handful of organizations such as Coursera, that bring together online courses to eager students for free. It is here to stay. Some of these include programs from highly-regarded institutions such as Stanford, MIT and the University of Toronto. Recently, Georgia Tech unveiled it’s revolutionary $6,000 USD Master’s degree in Computer Science. The coined term is “Massive Open Online Courses”.

“If you want to improve a society, the most significant thing you can do is educate its girls [and] we are committed to that,”
Read more at “

But finding high-quality instructors like Kim is of utmost importance.



The Obama government just vetoed Samsung’s proposed ban on AT&T’s Apple phones prior to iPhone 4S, iPad 2.

“After extensive consultations with the agencies of the Trade Policy Staff Committee and the Trade Policy Review Group…I have decided to disapprove the USITC’s determination to issue an exclusion order and cease and desist order in this investigation…”

This ruling came in after T-Mobile executive VP of public policy  and general counsel Randal Milch, wrote an open-plea for Obama to prevent the potential ban from taking place. This affects the company as T-Mobile might have maintained around 400,000 subscribers due to the introduction of the iPhone 5 to their line up.

Basically, Samsung did not want Apple to use some of their standard essential patents. Practically, these patents allow a device to connect to an industry standard such as a 3G network. The owners of these essential patents have a duty and responsibility to licence them to anyone at a reasonable fee. However, in this case, Samsung wanted to use some of Apple’s patents (non-standard essentials). And of course Apple would not allow their crown jewels go just like that.

Well done Mr. President. You deserve a third-term.


Apple Maps 2.0

Apple is not giving up and is heading in the right direction in the future of it’s built-in iOS Maps app.

More people today, especially those in big cities, are having to rely on third-party apps (on any OS) for their local transit and walking routes.

Today, Apple Inc. has formally announced the acquisition of two mapping companies.

The first one mentioned by AllThingsD is Toronto-based startup Locationary.

Not only does Locationary ensure that business listing data is positionally accurate (i.e., the restaurant I searched for is where Apple said it would be), it ensures that it is temporally accurate as well (i.e., the restaurant I searched for is still open for business and not closed for renovation or shuttered entirely). And that sort of clean location data could go a long way toward improving Apple Maps and distinguishing it from rivals

Next is Hopstop.

Hopstop shows users in more than 500 cities the fastest way to travel by foot, bike, subway and car.

Personally, I’ve never had any problems with Apple’s native Maps app but do notice Google still has more data. But remember that it took Googles a significant amount of time and years to get to where they are today. Even though Apple got off to a rocky start, I am confident to say that within the next year or two, I will be solely using the iOS app.
