Race Reports

Barrelman 2022 Race Report

My last triathlon race of the season couldn’t have finished off better than at Barrelman in Niagara! 

After two 70.3s and a full Ironman just a few weeks prior, I didn’t come into this one with much goals other than just to have fun. I had achieved everything I wanted and more already. This was a victory lap for my biggest year of sport and physical activity ever. Somehow I PB’ed! More on that later.

The distance wasn’t exactly quite the same as a 70.3 (1.9k swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run). This was 2k swim, 87km bike, and the run turned out to be 20.5km. The production “feel” wasn’t big like an Ironman branded race. But the local grass roots feel was wonderful. And actually the community its growing as Barrelman had the most athletes participating in its history. 

The Tomenson Performance & Wellness team showed up in good numbers and we all did well! A big congrats to our leader and coach Miranda who won! What does being Queen of Muskoka and now Queen of Barrelman make you? Queen of Ontario!! Also good work to fellow team mates Corwin, Alfred for PBing, and Phil for staying strong! 

The RACE [Official Time: 05:41:23.0]

SportStats: https://www.sportstats.ca/display-results.xhtml?raceid=115045&status=results&bib=163

SWIM (2KM) – [50:41 mins @ 2:32/100m]

While it was a beautifully hot day. This swim today is still something I can’t quite figure out. It was a big drop in pace in for me. I was actually very perplexed when I looked at my watch as I came out of the water. There is an additional 100m vs a standard 70.3 race, but that shouldn’t be almost 7 minutes slower. I personally felt totally fine, no soreness of arms or core, not tired, I prepped as normal. The swim was in the safe calm canal of the Flatwater Centre, there was a cable to follow, drafted and all. I was expecting a fast swim. But today was just not that day. My average heart rate was also pretty low around 103bpm for the entire swim, usually it’s around 120bpm. So, the only thing I can think of is either I just took it too easy by accident. Or I was all caught up in the idea of following the cable line which made me stuck behind slow athletes. Next time, I will swim as I did in previous races. 

My confidence in the swim has gone down a bit from this result. My recent Critical Swim Speed (CSS) test and training swims showed that I should be about the same as pre-race season. So, I’m hoping this is just a one off bad fluke. 

Anyways everything was calm, came out feeling really relaxed. Got out of the water, and ran up the stairs as spectators were in the bleachers. Such a cool experience. 

T1- 00:03:51

This race featured a unique two-transition setup. Meaning we had to put our wetsuits and swim gear into the bike bag, which would then be transferred to the finish area later. 

The Bike (87KM) 02:44:01.0 @ 31.83km/h

This was FLAT and FAST. However, the first segment bit, had strong headwinds. So I put in more power in the attempt to get over that area of the race sooner. Because after that turn around we got a fantastic tailwind back into the Niagara region. I think I might have slightly overcooked it though. And I did experience some lower back pain again, even on this flat course! I need to get this checked out. Is it the bike fit? Or Chiro? Or am I cycling incorrectly? 

T2: 00:03:25

Silly me, I dropped my hydration belt twice and struggled to get it on properly. Need to practice this. At least 40 seconds lost here. 

The Run (20.5KM) – 01:59:25 @ 5:49min/km

I knew going into this just a few weeks after IMMT, that there is no way I’d be able to run as I usually do. My legs felt relatively fine, but I just could feel the residual stiffness and fatigue in there. I tried my best to overcome it. This run course is NOT flat like the bike. I wouldn’t say bad, but that we had to run up Burning Hill in the Dufferin Island area twice made this spicy. And did I mention it was hot and humid! I am proud that I didn’t resort to walking at any points of the race other than briefly at aid stations. 

It was great to see so many friends on course as well. I had so many of them loaded onto my tracker! I was so happy and grateful to see Miranda, Amy, Phaedra , and Amy D cheering me at various points. But when I saw coach Miranda at the half way point and gave me a high five, that provided me with the extra second wind I needed. I always get the Mel Gibson/ Braveheart vibe when she’s also racing! Fearless leader leading us to battle! 

I managed to gather enough energy in the last 1km to come back swinging, and sprint finished to the end passing one more athlete there. 


I’m really happy I needed my 2022 Triathlon season on a good note overall! After 2 hard 70.3s Tremblant and Muskoka, and then the full IRONMAN Mont Tremblant, I somehow still managed to snag a 1+ minute PB at the half distance! Even though the distances aren’t exactly that of a 70.3, Barrelman is billed as such. And so I will count it as one!

Also, I finally got to meet long time Instagram friend Todd MacKay, who totally smashed his PB and Sub-6!

There is definitely many things I need to work on and improve. I learned so much since starting to work with coach Miranda. I pick her brain all the time! 

While my tri races are over. I still have one more road run at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 3 weeks on Oct 16, 2022. After Barrelman, I don’t think my legs have what it takes to PB or do well. But I trust in coaches plan to work with my tight schedule. 


For Age Group swim start waves races, I will start at the front of the pack. I prefer to be swam over, than to be stuck behind people. And when those swim over me, that means they are indeed faster, and worth trying to draft off of. 

I have NOT signed up for any races in 2023 yet. I will wait until the season is fully over and I consult with coach! 

Race Reports, Triathlon

IRONMAN Mont Tremblant 2022 Race Report

“Sean Chin, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN.” – Mike Rilley

The words I have been dreaming of hearing for the last three years has finally come to fruition! Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way. I am thrilled that my mom and dad attended and got to witness me crossing the finish line. I am forever humbled and grateful.

I am beyond happy and satisfied for this extraordinary experience at this magical race venue in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. The race didn’t go fully the way I wanted with some really dark places and emotions, I will describe below. But I did something not many people can say they’ve done. And I loved every moment of it.

My journey to IRONMAN

For the first 29 years of my life, I was an 195lb (88kg) overweight couch potato who played too many video games and ate way too much junk food. I changed all that with a plant-based whole food lifestyle from the book “Eat to Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman in 2017, dropping down to my lowest at 120lb. Not too long after that, I found plant-based endurance athlete Rich Roll’s book and podcast “Finding Ultra”. So, I took up running and I did the Toronto Waterfront Half- Marathon 2017, and then the TO Waterfront Marathon in 2018.

After a handful of 5Ks, 10Ks, and halfs, I got a little ankle niggle. What do a call an injured runner? A triathlete! Haha. But in honesty, while recovering I stumbled upon Canadian professional triathlon Lionel Sander’s YouTube channel, and as well as US Navy Seal David Goggins work. And from those two, I was hooked on Tri! I used this time to also build and put on some muscle through CrossFit and strength training and got back up to 140lb, but with lean muscle. And actually, I was running faster than ever!

I bought my first road bike ever about four weeks prior never knowing how to ride before, and “taught myself” how to swim in the pool about five weeks before my first sprint distance at Toronto Triathlon Festival in a thunderstorm. It was also the first time I ever swam in open water, and first time I ever used a wetsuit. My first few triathlon races all went pretty terrible, but I did them and never quit any. Oh, how far I’ve come…

My plans of becoming an IRONMAN has had many highs and many lows. The adversity go back to when I broke my collar bone training for IRONMAN Florida 2020, this put me out of action for 3 months. Then even though I recovered, I eventually had to defer IMFL 2020 due to the travel restrictions of the pandemic going from Canada to the US. I got on the start line for IMFL 2021 the following year in Panama City Beach, felt good for a flat bike an run course, but then Mother Nature took a bite with rip tides and as a weak swimmer, I DNFed the swim along with 25% of the field. And then even this season, I had a scary blackout and crash on the bike due to severe heat just 3 weeks ago. But I came back through all of them.

Yes, I was initially heart broken and sad. However, I do no regret it, and I learned so much from IMFL 2021. I made so many new lifelong friends, met professionals like Lionel Sanders, Gustav Iden, Skye Moench, Renee Kiley, and more. I lived the IRONMAN experience.

At this point I did a total of 5 triathlons, TTF sprint 2018, TTF Olympic 2019, Milton sprint 2019, DNF’d the swim/bike cut-off at Muskoka 70.3 2019, and DNF the swim at IMFL 2021. Not a great track record at all.

However, from IMFL 2021, I took away that I needed to greatly improve my swimming. I also needed to do bike/run bike workouts. What I needed is a triathlon coach. Especially as a newbie.

Getting a Triathlon coach.

Shortly after this in November 2021, I researched a handful of the best local coaches in the Greater Toronto Area. I talked to a few, and then decided to do a swim video analysis with coach Miranda Tomenson of Tomenson Performance & Wellness (TPW). It was really eye-opening to see myself swim and what I was doing wrong. She was very patient and gave me good advices. I immediately felt a connection and good vibes. And made the decision to work with Miranda on making my dream of becoming an IRONMAN.

From February 2022 to Aug 2022. I managed to overcome my fears of the open water, learned to sight, and stay calm. I improved my bike handling skills, and learned to ride in aero position. Implemented frequent brick workouts.

In less than 6 months, I was able to perfectly execute Milton sprint, Mont Tremblant 70.3 (5:58), and got redemption at Muskoka 70.3 (5:42) with coach Miranda’s guidance! And most importantly, I FINALLY lived my dream to become an IRONMAN at Mont Tremblant (14:37hr). I cannot thank you enough coach.

Coaches goals for the race:

Swim – seed yourself around the 2:00/100m group or about 1:15-1:20, aiming for 1:30hr.

– crocodile eyes, bend the right arm

– swim straight

– easy effort, save if for the run!

Bike –  normalized power around 130-150W average, effort should be 5/10 for 60km, 6/10 for 60km and 6/10 for 60km (on average, ok to be 8/10 on climbs but always climb feeling like you could go faster if you wanted)

– HR < 155bpm mostly

Run – asole focus will be to keep the HR down! < 170bpm for sure. walk the aid stations and long hills if HR creeps into 180-190bpm range,


This time around in Mont Tremblant, we stayed inside the village at Tours des Voyageurs I. We were lucky to get an upgrade to tower one with an included kitchen! The best thing about this hotel is that its literally right beside the transition area, so there is absolutely no need to drive anywhere. We left home in Markham Thursday morning and arrived by 4pm that evening. Got to eat and sightsee the wonderful village.

I did open water swim practice with Steve Upton, who is a fellow vegan triathlete, a great human, and super fast!

On Race day, I woke up at 3:30AM ate breakfast, and headed to T1 for 5AM. Then it was time for action.

The RACE: [Official Time: 05:42:54]

SportStats: https://www.sportstats.ca/display-results.xhtml?raceid=114755&status=results&bib=661

The SWIM (3.8km) – 01:29:49.0 @ 2:21/100m

I had absolutely zero fears going into Lac Tremblant. It was great to start with my friends Ian and Amy, all doing our first full distance triathlon. As a matter of fact, 400 of the approximately 1000 athletes were first timers!

I kept a straight line and sighted like practiced and just counted down the buoys. Unlike the 70.3 there was overcast, so I didn’t get blinded by the sun on the first turn. I got kicked in the face once and goggles fogged up, so had to quickly get that back in order. Other than that, it was pretty good. I just felt so far to swim versus smaller loops.

As mentioned earlier, things didn’t go the way I wanted. But ironically, out of everything, the swim was the only part that went according to my plans. I was aiming for 1:30 hour, and got 1:29.50! You can even see how happy I looked from the photos. I don’t think I’ve ever seen myself smile that hard!

T1 (00:07:42)

This was the time I got to experience the “clean transition” area and changing tents of a full IRONMAN race. I kind of like it better as you don’t need to fight with others for space beside your bike in T1.

Took advice from coach to ensure goggles and cap are off before getting to change area.

Was able to get my wetsuit off really quickly, and my half-rolled socks + baby powder trick worked like a charm again.

BIKE (180K) – 07:38:08.0 @ 23.57km/h

Once I was out of the water, I knew I would become an IRONMAN today.

However, it wasn’t so smooth sailing. Even though I did the exact same bike loop at the 70.3 and knew the route, I found this extremely humbling and challenging.

I stuck to a lower power target as prescribed to ensure I made it all the way through.

I managed to ride in aero for a decent part of the first half of the bike as well. Still building confidence here.

The big thing that got me was the same thing from the 70.3 a few months ago. Which was the long big climb on the Hwy 117 return. My lower back really ached again. And actually the first loop was ok, but since we had to do it twice, then I got a really bad back spasm.

This pretty much ruined my form and power for the remainder of the bike and run.

I had to stop at Personal Needs to refill all my nutrition and quickly relieve myself.

After the second long 117 climb, as I passed by an aid station , a bike mechanic actually yelled out to me saying it looked like I had a flat. I stopped, and he inspected my rear wheel. And didn’t find any puncture. But my tire was about 60% full, so he was able to pump it back up quickly on the spot. I have no idea how long I was riding like that for. But glad he could help.

I got caught in about 30 mins of thunderstorm and pouring rain. This freaked me out because I don’t ride in the rain and was worried they might cancel the race! Fortunately it ended and didn’t affect me too much.

The second climb up Duplessis was insane. I saw so many people walking up it and I almost had to as well. This is probably was the nail in the coffin for my run.

However, one cool note is that since I knew my bike splits were going to be slow, I didn’t even feather the breaks at all on the descents and went all in hitting 70.3kph!

Anyways, I looked at my time on the computer and as long as I was within the swim/bike and intermediate time cut-offs, I’d take it.

As I rolled into T2, and unclipped right before the dismount line, I was so full of joy. I did it. It’s up the run now. In every triathlon, my subconscious goal is to just get to the run.

T2 (00:05:31)

I was so glad to get off the bike and tried to stretch out my back and it didn’t seem like anything would help. So just got my run gear on and headed out for the marathon.

RUN (42.2KM) – 05:11:38.0 @ 7:23/km

Once I got out of T2 I could feel my dreams getting so much closer. But I still wasn’t done and it wasn’t time to celebrate yet.

Because what was my slowest bike pace ever also turned into one of my slowest run paces ever as well (however, still better than my very first marathon when I bonked half way!). But this was indeed a challenging 2 loop out and back run.

My lower back was preventing me from getting into optimal form, and my quads and hamstrings were sore from the climbing. And I just couldn’t hit the paces like practiced. I was very sad and disappointed initially. However, I was motivated by all my friends and other athletes I saw on the course.

The first loop was actually kind of enjoyable even at the slow pace. But in the second half when it started to get dark and the sun was going down, thats when things got a bit real. I’ve never raced at night before, so that was new to me. I cried and got emotion at some parts, “I should be able to do better than this.” “What did I do wrong?” “I crushed the 70.3 here a few months ago, what is different now?” Were some of the dark thoughts in my mind. However, I was quickly able to shut these doors and make the best of it. The sun was starting to go down fast in the trail section and that made me want to bust a move and get out before true darkness. I felt hard and bad for the athletes just entering into that section without headlamps. At the 30km turn around I saw Amy and gave me the last drops of hope I need to get to the finish. It was a combination of walk, jog, walking. I just aimed to get to the next aid stations, the next light posts, the next group of spectators. And soon enough, in the distance, I could hear the roar of the village and Mike Riley calling athletes names. I was getting close!

After 5 hours+ of coke, Maurten gels, Red Bulls, pretzels, water, I got to the village. I found some last wind to make it strong. I embraced and enjoyed the beautiful atmosphere of the Mont Tremblant buildings, the cobbled road, and all the spectators so happy to see us and welcome us to the finish chute.

And finally, I got to hear the words “Sean Chin, from Markham, first timer, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN.” From the voice of IRONMAN himself Mike Riley. Not only that, we called me again saying “Sean, did you hear that? You’re an IRONMAN!” I looked up at Mike and gave him two thumbs up, and then looked back at the finish arch, and took a bow.

What a magical day and wonderful experience.



I had the time of my life at IMMT 2022. All the ups and downs was all worth it. I would not go back in time and change anything, because this was perfect and my dream and goal came true.

Thank you to my mom and dad for supporting me through all my crazy training days for the last few years, and watching me transform as a person all my life.

Thank you to all the volunteers, race organizers, and spectators for making this a truly world class event.

Thank you to the pros at the event like Cody Beals and Josh Amberger who keep the sport exciting and took the time to take a selfie with me morning of.

Thank you to my coach Miranda Tomenson, who trained and got to know me well in a short period of time. You understand what I need to work on and prescribe the right doses of workouts, and are able to adjust when things when they don’t go well, especially like the heat blackout not too long ago! You always know how to push just to the edge of my comfort zone and take me to new places. You helped me become familiar with the open water, sight, ride in aero, to brick workouts, feel various intensity levels, nail 70.3s, and helped me to finally become an actual triathlete, and an IRONMAN! We did it coach! In just one season! Thank you!

In our post-race analysis call, we worked out what can be improved on in the future. But also, analyzed the race in TrainingPeaks, and overall, I did follow the prescribed plan relatively closely power and effort wise, which made me feel better.

The swim was where I wanted. The Bike was under 270 TSS (300 TSS), with the major gains to be made from not stopping at personal needs, and not riding with a flatter rear wheel. And even though my run was slow, my run split is still 2hours less than my bike split. So overall, I am very happy with how everything went.

I have a thirst to work on improving my 70.3 further and come back to do a full distance race to my full potential in the future.

Last but not least, Thank you to all my friends and triathlon mentors who I’ve met along my triathlon and running journey!

Note: what made this moment even more special was a few weeks later, the world found out that after 33 years of announcing, Mike Reilly would be retiring at the of the 2022 season. Making IMMT his last call in Canada. I am truly blessed that within my tri-journey, I can say that Mike called me an IRONMAN!


  • While I told myself “this is one and done” quite a few times during the bike and run, I still feel like I can do at least one more full IRONMAN in my life. And have every intention of going back to IMFL and finish what I originally started.
  • I feel like I need to really get my OWS swim pace down to 1:50-2:00m/100m at least before I can do the IMFL ocean swim again, regardless of weather conditions.
  • I know they say to not try new gear on race day, but in the future, I will ensure that I use a new fresh pair of goggles, that are the exact same model I trained with for a race to lower the chance of fogging, which I experienced here twice and had to stop to defog them
  • When my new bike comes, that is a proper size, hopefully riding in aero will be more stable and comfortable, allowing me to hold it for an entire ride. Especially on a flat course like Florida.
  • I need to work out my post bike run nutrition and sodium intake. Especially on the second half of the bike. 
  • Switch to no fibre diet 2 days before
  • I believe I can do an IRONMAN and want to feel like I did with Tremblant 70.3 and Muskoka 70.3 to my full or at least 90% potential. And I will.
Race Reports

IRONMAN Muskoka 70.3, 2022 Race Report

To be honest, I didn’t think I’d be writing another big race report so soon. But due to silly planning on my part, here we are! Just two weeks after Tremblant 70.3, I raced in Muskoka 70.3. This one was to redeem my first attempt DNF back in 2019 when I didn’t know how to swim or change gears and ride a hilly course outdoors. That’s also when I used to wear elbow and knee pads. Oh, how things have changed! In reality, I wasn’t quite sure what my body was capable of only 2 weeks later. So, I was really surprised to see a similar swim, but better bike and even better run! 

Coaches goals for the race: 

Swim: Swim straight, similar strategy as Tremblant but it’s a wave start so maybe start a bit back of the main pack and a bit off to the side so you aren’t trampled!

Bike: – Focus on going hard into the uphills and make sure you go one gear harder as you crest the top of the uphills

– About 170-180W, HR ~165bpm

  • Stick to the white line or close to the yellow line, avoid the middle of the lane on the 117

Run – pace the uphills, like on the bike use the downhills to get momentum and then steady up the hills ALWAYS feeling like you have a bit more speed for cresting at the top.

– HR < 175bpm for the first 7km, slow and controlled up the first set of hills.


The RACE: [Official Time: 05:42:54]

SportStats: https://www.sportstats.ca/display-results.xhtml?raceid=114753&bib=465

SWIM (1.9km) – 43:51 mins @ 2:16/100m

The swim went pretty much how I was expecting it go in terms of pace and obstacles. Where Tremblant had a self-seeded swim start, Muskoka had an Age Group start. I find AG starts a lot more chaotic, as I got kicked in the fast at least 5 times.  Sighting was good except for the second buoy as there was direct sunlight and a mass swarm of athletes, so I had to go by feet initially, but not too long before I got my bearings back. Once around the turn buoys, I felt comfortable swimming back through the channel to the swim exit. 

My swim is interesting, because no matter the distance, ex 750m, 1900m, 5K, my pace is always 2:15/100m-sh. It’s way better than before, so as long as its under 45mins for a half IM, then I’m okay for now. Also, wetsuit strippers were back! Yay! 


Half-rolled socks with baby powder 100% works! 

BIKE (90KM) – 2:58:37hr @ 30.47 km/h

What a gorgeous bike course! Still pretty hilly, but a lot more shade from trees made it very enjoyable and scenic. Took about 5KM for me get my legs firing. Stayed really calm but with steady effort the entire ride. And even got into aero a little bit! The only kind of sketchy part was the very narrow coned aisle in the return to Bayville section. I loved seeing my friends Mark, Shaunna, Noel, and Garth all lay it out on the course! 


Pretty fast for me. Already had my socks on, put on hydration belt, race bib, Omius headband, shades, slurped an Endurance Tap, let’s gooooo!

RUN (21.1KM) 1:51:37hr at 5:19 min/km

Felt good coming off the bike. But BAM massive hill immediately. Wow that’s mean! Haha. I think it was tolerable for me, but saw the majority of people walking this. After this hill though, I actually felt pretty solid for the rest of the run. I couldn’t believe I was running faster here than at Tremblant too. I’d say the Muskoka run course is definitely without a doubt tougher. Hence “The Beast”. Some of the friends that past me on the bike, I soon got my turn to pass them on the run hehe. But the highlight for me was that I got the opportunity to see Miranda Tomenson get into the final 2K of her run and she was smashing it hard! I yelled out FIGHT!! And she won by 20 minutes and beat some elite men too. This fired me up as well to keep pushing hard up all the hills to the finish! 

In Conclusion

First off, I’m so damn happy, that I finally got to rectify my DNF in 2019 this time around. Secondly, Tremblant 70.3 was always the “A 70.3 Race” of this season and Muskoka was a “B Race” to get more open water racing experience, nail down my nutrition / fuelling, and get more confidence on the bike. Somehow, someway, I got a 12 min PB only 2- weeks after Tremblant 70.3! I don’t really have an explanation how that happened. But it’s most likely do the solid training, and precise amount of recovery and taper planned by coach Miranda! 

Now that I have 1 sprint, and 2x 70.3s done. The main target and goal of the year is only 6-weeks away. IRONMAN Mont Tremblant, a longer swim, 2 loops of Duplessis, and a marathon. The full enchilada. Now, I think I can do it. I can do it if I follow the training plan exactly as I can just like before. I just need to remain calm, excited, keep healthy, and stay focused. It will happen! 

Race Reports

Mont Tremblant 70.3 2022 Race Report

After a long yet scenic 6-hour drive to Montreal, Quebec, it was time for the second race of the season. This time for the iconic and hot ticket race IRONMAN Mont Tremblant 70.3! I have two “A Races” this year, and this is one of them.

This will be one of a few redemption events for me. While I did complete Muskoka 70.3 in 2019 within the overall 8:30 hour cut-off time, I was such a weak swimmer and incredibly novice cyclist. I never rode a bicycle in my life until the age of 30, yes not even as a kid. I fell so many times learning and my primary training was all indoors on Zwift, where I developed somewhat okay power, but zero bike handling skills. So I had no idea about shifting gears in Muskoka, walked up 2 hills, and didn’t make the swim/bike cut-off time. I made it a personal mission to improve everything, especially my outdoor cycling skills and swim. 

I spent a lot of time in the later part of 2020 (after I recovered from my broken collar bone surgery, from a bike crash sigh), and the summer of 2021 doing long weekend rides up to 204km on hilly routes. I slowly build up a little bit of road confidence, and had rides with a few friends to loosen up the anxiety. 

Coaches goals for the race: 

Swim – aiming for 45 mins. “Again, the focus on straight swimming here. No number goals, swim based on effort (6-7/10) – enough to keep yourself warm, but not enough to leave you gasping for air. Seed yourself around 35-40min.”

Bike – aiming for 3:30 hr at 170W / 28kph. Use all your gears! No grinding up the hlls in your big ring. You should be little ring in the front, easy gear in the bag climbing duplessis. Try to stay aero as much as possible.

Run – aiming for 2:10 hr. Steady and controlled first 7km. Don’t get carried away on fresher legs here. Stay on top of nutrition. Miiddle 7km should start to hurt a bit, but still know you have an extra gear for the finish. Last 7km the goal is to be the one passing people, not the one being passed.

In our pre-race phone call, coach Miranda and I laid out some pretty doable goals. 


I’m really fortunate to have friends also racing this weekend. Mark, his wife Shaunna, and my friend Catherine were there to embrace the day. The 4 of us did an early morning bearing of where our bikes were in relation to the swim, bike, run exits and starts, then walked quite a hike to the swim start at the tennis club. 

The RACE [Official Time: 05:54:37]

SportStats: https://www.sportstats.ca/display-results.xhtml?raceid=116458&bib=946


SWIM (1.9km) – 43:43 min @ 2:15/100m

This is probably the most concerning leg of the race for me as usual. My intention was to take the steady and calm pace I had in Milton earlier in the month, but apply it to a distance 3 times longer. And I managed to do it! The water was a perfect temperature and pretty still. I sighted often and stuck to a straight line. I’m really happy the buoys were numbered and since I knew how many there were, I just counted them down. This really helped with my spatial awareness, otherwise I couldn’t really know how much felt I had. The only tricky part came after the first red turn buoy. The sun was shining straight in our face and it was almost impossible to sight the next buoy. So for the first little bit I had to follow the feet and splashing I saw.

Once I turned the second buoy, I felt really good because there is only way back to shore! That’s when I noticed I was most calm heading back in. Even though I saw athletes already stand and begin walking on the sand, I swam all the way up until my hands touched the steps out. I quickly glanced at my watch and saw it said 43 mins, woohoo under 45mins! 

T1 (6:09 min)

It was a rather long way from the swim exist to my bike, so I calmly jogged and made sure to not just walk. Got the wetsuit off pretty quickly, but fumbled a little with getting socks on. I guess I need even more baby powder next time. Now off to this legendary bike course!

BIKE (90K) – 03:03.1 Hours at 29.98 km/h

Like every race I do, the main goal of the bike was to not crash, and not walk up any hills. But seriously, this course was a really good dose of toughness and pleasure. I didn’t notice the Montee Ryan part, the Hwy 117 was really fun and thrilling and Chemin Du Plessis absolutely lived up to the hype. I found the most challenging part “the wall” climb on the return on 117. That was a long steep hill with no shade. Whereas, Duplessis had some steep climbs, but they were often broken up with plateaus, a lot of forest shade, and a ton of cheering spectators! It felt really Tour de France style. For some reason, I couldn’t help but cry as I finished the climb. It was beautiful. There was 3 or 4 U-turns, but on one of them, I had a little dodgy moment where I skid onto the outside lane gravel, but made it back onto the bike. Someone yelled out “good save!”, phew! 

The only two bodily issues I had was I noticed my lower back start to have some pain after the 117 climb, but this went away on its own. And that my right foot hurt because I tightened the shoes too much. 

I did noticed quite a lot athletes flatted out, and I only recall seeing about 2 service vans. Pretty scary, so I’m making it a goal to learn and be prepared to fix a flat tubeless setup as best I can. 

The bike course is iconic and maybe I can better pace or bump up my nutrition for Duplessis and in the final 2 climbs, I feel I like I got really close to my legs cramping up, but luckily they are rather short segments. 

With all the climbing, I was really surprised and pleased that I completed this in 3:03hr at 29.98 kph. I could have totally got 30kph average if I didn’t feature on at least two of the descents…next time haha. Good cadence above 80 rpm as well. 

The highlight of this race for me was actually seeing Lionel zip by me!!! As I was heading out on the 117, I saw the pace car approaching from the other direction on the other side of the road. I was like…”omg who is leading?” and surely enough, it was Lionel Sanders himself. Usually, when I get into a dark place in a race, I think of Lionel Sanders training videos and keep telling myself “no limits”. Today was quite remarkable. Just seeing him lead the race and realizing that I was sharing this exact same course with him, and other amazing pros like Tamara Jewett, Jackson Laundry, and Cody Beals gave me such a surge of adrenaline!

T2 (3:35 min)

I guess I was slightly disoriented because I almost racked my bike in the wrong spot twice. But quickly found my spot. Got everything off, put my running gear on, and now it was my time to shine. 

RUN (21.1KM) – 01:58:09 hr at 5:36 min/ km

I always feel the most at home and in control in the run portion of a triathlon. The entire and day to prepare me for the run. I had an initial feeling off the bike to pee, but decided I could hold it and see what happens. Turns out I never needed it. 

This run course was also stunning. And part of it is on the famous Petite Du Nord marathon trail. However, this route did have quite a bit of hills as well. Oh did I mention it felt like 40C?! It was a hot day for everyone. I was lucky that coach Miranda recommended the Omius headband that some of the pros use as well. It’s heat sink tile made from space shuttle material that diffuses heat keeping your head cool. It totally works! 

My goal was to start the run strong but then lock into a steady pace. I only slowed down at aid stations to splash and sip as much cold water as I could. We broke this into 3x 7km segments and I feel like I met it to plan. I picked off other athletes rather quickly and pretty much for the rest of the race. 

There were definitely moments where I felt like run/walking, but I knew I could do better. Every time I looked at my watch I had to keep calculating and knew I had an opportunity to sub-2 this half-marathon. So I stuck to my paces. I was planning to light my match in the last 5km, but the last part was pretty much uphill, where I saw a lot of people break down and walk. So I did light a match, I didn’t quite get a long sprint finish like I wanted, but feel like I ended strong. 

The last 1km back into the Village was absolutely breath taking and wonderful. I roared into the finish chute, crossed the line, and was exhausted and so thrilled, and so very happy. I met my friends in the recovery tent and I cried with them. I did it. 


This was my first 70.3 in official time!! The funny thing is that I think was racing against the wrong clock because when I finished I saw the overhead clock say 6:27, in which I was pleased to get sub-6:30. But my friend showed me that I actually finished in 5:54 hours!!! Sub-6!! I really couldn’t believe I did that. I think that actually one of the best feelings was knowing that I didn’t have to worry about making any of the intermediate cutoff times like in the past haha. I’m a new triathlete now! 

I ended up doing better than all the goals I had and more so. I learned so much from this experience as well. And this triathlon community is the best. 

I cannot thank coach Miranda Tomenson enough. Her training plan is the exact perfect dose. I trust it, and I trust her. I still have mind games with confidence though. Heck, she probably believes in me, more than I believe in myself! I need to work on this, but it’s slowly coming along!

Future Goals:

Well now I have a Muskoka 70.3 in only two weeks…probably not the greatest schedule idea ever, but we will see how I feel. This will be a “B race” at best and give me a chance to try out an upped version of my race nutrition. 

I still want to swim at a 1:55-1:59/100m pace in open water so very badly! Since I know I can sight and swim straight and calm at this distance, I will try push the effort a little more in Muskoka. 
