


Video Recap: IRONMAN Mont Tremblant 2022 Race Experience

On August 21, 2022 in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada, I became an IRONMAN. Thank you to my mom and dad for their constant support. Thank you to my family and friends for always cheering me on. Thank you to all the volunteers, race organizers, police, and spectators for making these events happen. Thank you to friends on course Amy D, Steve Upton, Phaedra Kennedy, and Ian Lawrence (who interviewed me on his podcast An Athlete for Life, check it out:…) Thank you to my coach and friend Miranda Tomenson of Tomenson Performance & Wellness for making my dream finally come true. Until the next time… My detailed IMMT 2022 Race Report:…

Photos & video from Parents, Phaedra Kennedy, FinisherPix, Maged Doss

Original music by Agah Bahari

Race Reports, Uncategorized

Read these: Chasing Excellence & Unbreakable Runner

#LongWeekend Readings: finishing up #UnbreakableRunner by @_brianmackenzie and re-reading #ChasingExcellence by @benbergeron(listened to audiobook on @audible_cainitially). Two highly recommended books for endurance, fitness, and motivation ?????????#conditioning #crossfit #running#THISIS30


Quinoa & Fruits for Breakfast

Cue the music. Before everyone is up, I pull out a nice giant bowl. I scoop in 1 cup of cooked quinoa. I’m gonna toss in 1 tablespoon each of hemp seeds, chia seeds, and ground flaxseeds. Then I hit the microwave with water for 5 minutes. After that, I’ll throw in a cup of blueberries, 6 strawberries, and slice up a whole beautiful banana. The finishing touch is 2 tablespoons of cinnamon. And of course the best part. I’m gonna shovel this nutrient-dense mofo down. All this will be devoured as fuel for this 18.1 beast of an endurance workout that’s gonna kick ass my ass in a few #INTHEOPEN#CrossFitOpen
